13 weeks
The big news is out!!!!!

So now the world knows of our news, or at least the majority of it knows. It feels more official now. We have wanted to tell our family in person our big news but with everybody's busy schedule it has been hard, so some still don't know, but we have plans on sharing it with them.

I am off to work at a diabetic camp in Prescott for the week. This is my 6th year going and this camp holds a special place in my heart. I am wondering if I will survive the long exhausting week of 200 hyper kids. Up until this point I have been sleeping every opportunity I can get. No morning sickness, guess I am extremely lucky from what I hear. I just need to eat anything I can get my hands on, especially cheese. Camp will be a challenge, but I know this will be the last year I can go for probably a very long time, so I am going to make the best of it. I am starting to get a little belly making it hard to fit into anything comfortable. Good thing people know I am expecting and not just becoming chubby.
10 weeks

2nd doctor's appointment. At this point we are still in a little shock that we will be parents by the end of this year but also getting a little excited too. Our doctor attempted to doppler a heartbeat, but was not able to. I never thought I would be so stressed out about all of this. He again, reassured the both of us that this was completely normal this early on. He wanted me to get another ultrasound. Apart of me was excited to see the growth of our little one and the other part of me was so nervous. Of course the doctor was right and the ultrasound verified that everything was going just fine. Again, words cannot describe our emotions as we looked at our little one on the ultrasound. On the last ultrasound all we could see was a grey area that they labeled as a baby. Now just 4 weeks later, the ultrasound shows us a baby with hands and feet. Heartbeat of 167 bmp. The doctor guesses it's a girl (but then I remember he guessed it was a boy the first visit. Once bringing this to his attention, he says now he can't be wrong. The lighting of the ultrasound makes our little one appear to have very large lips. I say, just bigger lips to kiss one day. They say at this week, the baby is no bigger than a lime. Then the ultrasound tech switched to 3D ultrasound. WOW!! Now we can't wait until our next ultrasound, should be even more exciting.

Happy Mother's Day- May 10th, 2009
9 weeks

Today was the day that we decided to share our wonderful news with our mothers. We wanted them to be the first ones to know that they soon would be grandmothers for the first time. It has been extremely hard not telling a sole about our news for the past 5 weeks. We thought mother's day would be a perfect day to share our news. We put the picture of the ultrasound in a baby frame and wrapped it for them. Both mother's were ecstatic about our news! We still wanted to keep our news relatively quiet for the next couple weeks.
6 weeks!!!

April 22, 2009

The first doctor's appointment. We had to wait 2 weeks after finding out I was pregnant to see the doctor. What a long 2 weeks that was. At this point we had no idea how fall along I was. Ben went with for the first appointment. I must admit that he looked extremely uncomfortable sitting in the exam room waiting to see the doctor. I think he was traumatized by the stir-ups. Finally..... the doctor. He had the biggest smile on his face, congratulated us, and gave us both a very big hug. What an amazing doctor, couldn't ask for better. He attempted to doppler a heartbeat but was unsuccessful. He explained it was very difficult to hear a heartbeat early in the pregnancy and that I needed an ultrasound to tell how far along I was. Now the fun part, seeing the baby for the first time! What an amazing experience that was. The ultrasound measured the length of the baby and dated me at 6 weeks and 3 days, putting my due date December 13th! Seems like forever but will probably sneak up on us and we will be wondering where the time went.
April 8th, 2009

April 8th was the day!!! The biggest and most exciting surprise of our lives! I found out that I was pregnant. I wasn't feeling well the night before and a friend suggested I take a pregnancy test. I thought she was absolutely crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. So, in the morning I took the test..... To my surprise there were 2 lines!! I still didn't believe it. So I let Ben go to work without saying a word and then took 2 more tests just to make sure. So after 3 positive tests I figured I was in fact pregnant. That night when Ben got home from work I told him the exciting news. We were both very surprised!


Proud Parents

My photo
eager to meet our little one in December